Додатоци во храна

Преглед на пазарот

The Europe food supplements market size was valued in € 13.5 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach € 30.5 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 9.3% during this forecast period.

Регулаторна рамка

According to the EU and local regulations the responsibility for the safety of food supplement  products lies with the food business operator placing the product on the market.

The national transposition of Directive 2002/46/CE for food supplements is DL no. 136/2003, amended and republished on DL no. 118/2015 which establishes harmonized lists of the vitamins and minerals substances used in the manufacture of food supplements and the labelling requirements for these products.

Substances without a history of safe use in the EU before 1997 are assessed under Regulation (EC) No 2015/2283 on Novel Food (e.g. CBD products).

Како може да ви помогнеме?

Stepscience is the supplement you need to get your project compliant with the local legislations.Stepscience can assist you with novel food application, facility design, processing technologies and distribution complying with regulatory requirements for EU-GMP, EU-GDP and FDA.

Stepscience consultancy services can help you achieve design efficiencies, regulatory compliant processes and mandatory employee and contractor training. These quality management strategies help to ensure that your food supplements products are suitable for the markets you aim to serve (meeting EU GMP and FDA requirements and other industry-specific regulatory standards).

Stepscience’s range of services covers also Product Development support, Regulatory and Marketing services to assist clients in the route to market.